Workplace Employee Attendance Software

Super charge your visitor management today!

Watch how Teamgo can help your organisation meet safety, security and compliance goals. Get started today for FREE.

Teamgo is trusted by global organisations

World leading companies, organisations and governments worldwide keep their people and workplaces productive, healthy and safer with Teamgo visitor management.

Cloud software
No updates, nothing to install and no need to interrupt your operations. Teamgo is cloud software you manage with a web browser.

Record instant and accurate time and attendance records for your workplace payroll and compliance.

Safety & security
Keep track of employees at the workplace and alert them in just seconds if you have emergences and critical events on site.

“Teamgo applications are critical to the department for contact tracing compliance.”

Nathan Hissey
Records & Property Management,
Government of South Australia Department for Innovation and Skills

World leading companies, organisations and governments keep their people and workplaces productive, healthy and safer with Teamgo.

Ready to upgrade your workplace?

Start your FREE 30 day trial. No credit card needed, instant access!

Features included with all plans

Free iPad App

Free iPad app so you can display contactless or touchscreen sign-in at your workplaces.

QR Codes

Use QR codes for identification, scan to sign-in and contactless visitor management for health and security


Send instant notifications with email and SMS when visitors or deliveries arrive and emergency alerts are activated.

Unlimited Users

Add unlimited user accounts and groups with no limits on the number of visitors or employee sign-in.

Unlimited Kiosks

Setup unlimited iPad and QR code sign in point kiosks at your workplace and cover your entire organisation.

Free Smartphone App

Teamgo Pass for iPhone and Android gives employees and instant QR code scanning and app notifications.

Free Setup

Get help setting up your kiosks and choosing the right features for your workplace visitor management.

Cloud Hosting

We take care of the maintenance and updates with the instant deployment of any changes and new features.

Online Support

Get 24/7 online support with detailed guides, business hours live chat and optional account managers.

Australian Company

Proudly Australian technology company specialising in Visitor Management software and applications.

Amazon Web Services

You expect the best and we rely on the best with cloud hosting and security provided by Amazon AWS Australia.

Fanatical Support

24/7 support available and experienced account managers on standby - we provide hands on customer assistance.

Employee Attendance Software

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient time management is crucial for the success of any organization. One area where time management plays a vital role is employee attendance tracking. Traditional sign-in methods are often cumbersome and prone to errors, leading to wasted time and resources. However, with the advent of employee attendance software, organizations can now streamline the sign-in process for both visitors and employees, revolutionizing the way businesses manage attendance records.

Employee attendance software offers a range of benefits that enhance productivity and improve overall operational efficiency.

 Firstly, it eliminates the need for manual sign-in processes, such as paper logbooks or sign-in sheets. Instead, employees and visitors can quickly sign in using a digital interface, reducing the time spent on paperwork and eliminating the risk of lost or illegible records. This automated system ensures accurate attendance tracking, providing organizations with reliable data for various purposes, such as payroll, scheduling, and compliance.

Another significant advantage of employee attendance software is its ability to enhance security measures. By implementing this software, organizations can monitor and control who enters the premises more effectively. The software can include features like visitor badges, photo capture, and ID scanning, ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access to the facility. This not only improves security but also creates a safer environment for employees and visitors alike.

Furthermore, employee attendance software simplifies the process of generating attendance reports. With just a few clicks, HR personnel or managers can access comprehensive attendance data, allowing them to identify trends, track employee punctuality, and make informed decisions. 

These reports can be easily exported and integrated with other HR systems, simplifying payroll processes and saving valuable time for the HR department.

Additionally, employee attendance software can contribute to a positive work culture by fostering accountability. By having a digital record of attendance, employees are more likely to be punctual and responsible for their time management. This sense of accountability can lead to improved productivity and a more engaged workforce.

In conclusion, the implementation of employee attendance software offers numerous benefits for organizations. From streamlining sign-in processes and eliminating manual paperwork to enhancing security measures and improving accountability, this software revolutionizes attendance tracking in the workplace. By leveraging the power of technology, businesses can save time, increase efficiency, and create a more secure and productive work environment.

See how Teamgo performs for your workplace

Try our Essential plan FREE for 30 days – no payment or credit card needed.